
Another tweak on an old post. I like this one better.

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Anonymous said...

You have a great eye for still life. You should find a way to make something with it. Keep up the good work!!!

misty said...

i like this very much. you should have it printed on canvas and framed.

heather said...

Thanks Tisha. Still life is fun--lots of opportunity too.

heather said...

If I had someplace to hang it I would.

heather said...

After looking at this image here I'm not so happy with the colors. I think I'm going to keep playing with it.

Wingnut said...

I like the softness of the colors here! Course I have no idea what color it really was, so htis looks great to me.

heather said...

It's pretty close to the original, just softer. For some reason the background looks purple-ish, and it's really turquoise. I guess there's too much red in the processing.

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texas, United States

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